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General English Grammar - 2


Total Questions: 20

Total Minutes: 20

This ExamTray Free Online Practice Exam or quiz or Trivia tests your General English Grammar and Vocabulary.

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1) Synonym of Debilitate.
2) Antonym of Vigorous.
3) Antonym of Segregate.
4) Antonym of Triumph.
5) Antonym of Wax.
6) Antonym of Attic
7) Antonym of Swerve.
8) Antonym of Suavity.
9) Antonym of Slur.
10) Antonym of Pungent.
11) Antonym of Progeny.
12) Synonym of Deluge
13) Antonym of Cavil.
14) Synonym of Fetter.
15) Synonym of Gist.
16) Synonym of Innate.
17) Synonym of Limpid.
18) Synonym of Maul.
19) Synonym of Vie.
20) Antonym of Wince.

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