TOTAL QS = 20Time [ 00 : 00 : 00 ]

General English Grammar Online Test 10


Total Questions: 20

Total Minutes: 20

This ExamTray Free Online Practice Exam or quiz or Trivia tests your General English Grammar and Vocabulary.

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1) Choose the correctly spelt word.
2) Choose the correctly spelt word.
3) Choose the correctly spelt word.
4) Choose the correctly spelt word.
5) Choose the correctly spelt word.
6) Choose the correctly spelt word.
7) Choose the correctly spelt word.
8) Choose the correctly spelt word.
9) Choose the correctly spelt word.
10) Choose the correctly spelt word.
11) Synonym of Atypical ?
12) Synonym of Begrudge ?
13) Synonym of Biennial ?
14) Synonym of Circumvent ?
15) Synonym of Raucous ?
16) Choose the correct sentence.
17) Extrasensory perception ?
18) Choose the correctly sentence.
19) Choose the correctly spelt word.
20) Choose the correctly spelt word.

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