Last Minute Java Enhanced FOR loop with Break & Continue Tutorial

Another variation of the traditional FOR loop is an Enhanced FOR loop. It is also called a FOR-EACH loop. It is completely different from the traditional WHILE, DO WHILE and FOR loops which were adopted from the C Programming Language.

Enhanced FOR loop was introduced with JDK 5 or J2SE 5 version. If you are using an older version of Java, you may not use it.

Enhanced FOR Loop

An Enhanced FOR loop is used to loop through a collection of objects like Array, ArrayList and more. Enhanced FOR loop allows accessing each and every element of the collection sequentially from the start to the end.


    //Statements with VARIABLE

We have to declare a VARIABLE of the same data type as the type of elements of the COLLECTION. Data Type can Primitive like int, char, byte etc or a Non Primitive Object type. There is NO CONDITION part in this enhanced for loop or for-each loop. By default, it works from the first element to the last element.


int ary[] = {10,11,12,13,14};
for(int a: ary)
  System.out.print(a +",");

Enhanced FOR loop with Break Statement

You can add a BREAK statement inside a FOR-EACH loop or ENHANCED FOR loop. The break statement causes the program control to exit the loop suddenly. The statements after the loop will be executed afterwards.

Example: Prints first 3 elements of Array

int ary[] = {11,12,13,14, 15};
int c=1;
for(int a: ary)
  System.out.print(a +",");
  if(c >= 3)

Enhanced FOR loop with Continue Statement

You can add a CONTINUE statement inside an Enhanced FOR loop. The CONTINUE statement causes the program control to go to the beginning of the loop. If the next elements are available in that collection, the loop continues. Otherwise, the loop completes and the control exits.

Example: Prints odd elements of int Array

int ary[] = {11,12,13,14, 15};
for(int a: ary)
  System.out.print(a +",");
//11, 13, 15,

Nesting of Enhanced FOR loop

You can nest an Enhance FOR loop inside another Enhanced FOR loop, Normal FOR loop, WHILE loop and DO WHILE loops.

Example: Enhanced FOR using String and Char Array

String ary[] = {"BE", "BTECH", "DEPLOMO", "MASTERS"};
for(String name: ary)
  for(char ch: name.toCharArray())

This is how an Enhanced FOR loop or FOR-EACH loop works in Java.

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