Java Literals MCQ Questions and Answers 1

Study and learn Java MCQ questions and answers on Literals or Constants. Literals are of type Integer (Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal and Binary), Real Number (float, double), Character and String. Attend job interviews easily with these MCQs.

Go through Java Basic Theory Notes on Literals before studying these questions.

1) What is Literal in Java?
A) Literal is the value that is given or assigned to a variable.
B) Literal is a data type
C) Literal is similar to String
D) None of the above
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2) What are the types of Literals available in Java language?
A) Integer and Float
B) Character and String
C) Boolean
D) All the above
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3) What are the types of Integer Literals in Java?
A) Decimal Literals
B) Octal and Hexadecimal Literals
C) Binary Literals
D) All the above
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4) Choose correct examples of decimal literals in Java.
int a = 12345;
int a = 12_3__5;
long a = 987____654_3__21L;
D) All the above
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5) An Octal number is Java is represented with a leading ____?
A) O (Alphabet)
B) 0 (ZERO)
C) 0x
D) 0X
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6) Choose correct ranges for Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal numbers in Java?
A) Decimal: 0 to 9
B) Octal: 0 to 7
C) Hexadecimal: 0 to 9 and A to F / a to f
D) All the above
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7) Choose the correct example of Octal Literal in Java?
short = 0564;
int = 076__45_2;
int = 0______11;
D) All the above
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8) What is the prefix used to represent Hexadecimal numbers in Java?
A) 0x
B) 0X
C) A and B
D) None of the above
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9) Choose correct examples of Hexadecimal literals in Java?
long a = 0X987654321L;
int a = 0x76FE____23;
byte b = 0X0__________F;
D) All the above
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10) Binary literals in Java are introduced with which version of Java?
A) JDK 5
B) JDK 6
C) JDK 6
D) JDK 8
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11) Underscore symbols in literal numbers are introduced with which version of Java?
A) JDK 5
B) JDK 6
C) JDK 7
D) JDK 8
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12) What is the prefix used to represent Binary literals in Java?
A) b or B
B) 0b or 0B
C) xB or xb
D) ob or oB
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13) What is the correct representation of using Binary literals in Java?
int a = 0b1010;
int a = 0B1011_1010;
int a = 0B0______________1;
D) All the above
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14) What is the compiler error for improperly using Underscores ( _ ) in literals in Java?
A) Underscores are out of range
B) IllegalUnderscoresException
C) Underscores have to be located within digits
D) Too many Underscores
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15) Choose a correct rule for using Underscores in literals of Java language.
A) Underscores cannot come at the end of a number or next to the last digit of a number.
B) Underscores cannot come at the beginning of a number or before the first digit of a number.
C) Underscores cannot come before or after a decimal point in real numbers like float and double.
D) All the above
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16) What is the maximum number of Underscore characters that can be used in between the digits of a numeric literal in Java?
A) 8
B) 16
C) 32
D) No Limit
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17) Java uses UTF-16 Unicode format to represent characters. What is UTF?
A) Universal Transcript Format
B) Universal Transformation Format
C) Universal Technology Format
D) None of the above
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18) What is the name given to character literals in Java that start with a Back Slash character?
A) Back Slash Sequence
B) Slash Sequence
C) Escape Sequence
D) Extended Sequence
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19) What is the literal in Java that can be used to test whether an Object of any type is alive or not? 
A) alive
B) liveof
C) null
D) 0
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20) What is the common UTF standard used on the Websites for information exchange?
A) UTF 16
B) UTF 8
C) UTF 32
D) None of the above
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